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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

World Building Challenge - Day 9 - Rulers

This is part of Faranesque's World Building Challenge from r/WorldBuilding. Check out my hub post for details.  

Preface: Most of my posts from this point on will likely focus on the crew of the Rōnni and the refugees with them, now I've done some of the cosmic establishment from Day 1.

In today's installment, a discussion of why the Rōnni flies no banner, and some of the bad rulers they've encountered.

"We don't fly any banner." Captain Koroa poured another glass of redhue for himself and held up the bottle inquisitively. Jalen shook his head, so the captain set it down. "Nearly every man and woman on my Ship has had their share of bad experiences with them as call themselves our lords and masters."

"I know what you mean." Jalen sucked his teeth for a minute or two, getting the taste of the liquor out. "Lord Balvene was 'a real piece of work,' as my mother might have put it." An old ache resurfaced in his knee and he stretched it out with a grimace. "A stern taskmaster, to start with, and one who didn't suffer fools gladly. As big as he was, he was what my father would have called 'a small man grown too large of himself.'"

Koroa nodded, recalling the sight of the 'discipline chambers' which he and a few of the Ship's company had cleared out. There were some places that left a stain which went beyond the physical. "I know the type. Only under a Demathi flag could someone like Oded Balvene have been allowed to rise to prominence." He swirled his drink in its glass before knocking back a swallow. He grimaced. "All we've done in the end, however, is just allow some other Demathi warlord to move in and take over in his place."

"Those who stayed made their choice." The man's voice was a bit hollow at that. "I wish we could have convinced them to go, but some people cannot fathom leaving their World behind."

Koroa nodded. "And the most me and mine can do for those kinds of people is wish them well and sail on." He shook his head. "We've all been burned too often. Keldie-- you met her earlier-- escaped the custody of some Yalleni princeling. Not dissimilar to your Sleita's fate under the Demathi. That's why she doesn't wear the veil like most Yalleni women. She refuses to let herself be ignored by covering her face ever again."

Jalen looked down at his empty glass as he considered this. Koroa watched him for a moment, then tipped a little splash of redhue into the bottom of it. Finally, the man asked. "I've seen a few of your people are Whardoni." There was a questioning tone to his words.

"Aye. I was born under the Whardoni banner. Probably a third of us were." The captain frowned slightly. "Me and Hankar dropped their standard well before the fall of the Regime. We didn't know exactly what they'd been doing, but we could smell there was something rotten in it. Only time we ever went back to Whardoni Worlds was after the Regime was defeated. Picked up a few of the former Soldiery. They'd been wronged worse than any other Whardoni on my Ship."

"Why do the Maldasi go with you?" Jalen asked. "They're famous for not having a single leader."

Koroa chuckled. "It's true, the Maldasi way of things goes 'Self-Tribe-World.' But when Drazen and his people came to me, the Rōnni had been through it. We'd run afoul of some 'Riss that wanted to press-gang us into their fleet. Been running a while. So Drazen told me, we'll fight with you. Didn't really give the impression he'd accept it if I declined." He took a sip of his drink. "But the Maldasi have never accepted the idea of a central leader to their People, not since the Morsban."

Seeing the confused look on the man's face, the captain elaborated. "The Morsban was the last King of Maldas. 'Morsban,' as near as I understand it, comes from a Maldasi corruption of some old Anteceptosi term for 'deathless.' According to the tales, the Morsban was a Star-Born, and one of those ones who let the power go to their head." He chuckled. "Maldasi don't frighten easily, but he's been the devil in their collective nightmares for ages. The tamest of the stories that Drazen and his people have shared involve the Morsban turning a city inside out, on a whim. Brick by brick, building by building, person by person. Because he decided it was a good idea."

He shrugged. "How much is true is up for debate. Any rate, you and yours, with what you went through under Balvene? You're among friends here, kindred spirits with my bannerless crew."

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