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Monday, April 5, 2021

Destiny 2 - Exotic Sword Concept - Hanlon's Inverse

With all the Destiny writing I've been doing over the past year, and my frequent activity on the r/DestinyJournals subreddit, I've seen a few people posting their own concepts for exotic weapons or armors, complete with lore entries. I previously wrote about Dredgen Bog's custom linear fusion rifle, and prototype Weapon of Sorrow (read: evil weapon), the Huntsman Longbore, and then filled in some details about all of the Shadows of Salvation, including their own respective Weapons of Sorrow. So now here comes a description of Magda-9's sword...

Hanlon's Inverse

Never attribute to stupidity what is actually derived from cruelty.

Weapon Type: Sword - Adaptive Frame
Damage Type: Solar
Weapon Slot: Power
Capacity: 75
Intrinsic Perk: Well of Malice
  • Hold the heavy strike button to plant the sword in the ground, creating a well around it.
  • All hostiles within activation radius take critical damage. After activation, all hostiles within the well or who enter the well take damage over time.
  • Gain stacks with kills. Increases damage to sword combo finish.
  • Hold the heavy strike button again to reclaim the sword.
Trait: Hungry Edge - Increases damage for damage over time from Well of Malice

Appearance: Similar to Stryker's Sure Hand, Hanlon's Inverse sports a cross-guard and a double-edged blade, though the hilt of the sword is comprised of Hive material, with a Hive crystal in the pommel and a Splinter built into the ricasso. The blade has a sawtooth design on one edge.


"There are risks involved." Magda-9 did not look up as she took the hammer to the blade. Contrary to expectation, the smithy was not an oppressively hot swelter, and the blade was not a glowing torch of malleability. But the Warlock's tools shone with the Light as she worked, attaching the Splinter to the flat of the blade. From where he hung from chains, the Reefborn blacksmith tasted blood as he strained, adding, "I know what Hive bones do when used in weapons. What it does to the weapon. To the wielder."

Magda-9 set the hammer down and ran a whetstone along both edge and flat, smoothing the hammered texture out. "As do I," she stated flatly, channeling her paracausal power through the whetstone, lifting the sword up and looking along the edge. "Hive bone offers an easy way to tap into Dark power. It's not perfect, but until I find a better way, I must use the materials available."

The blacksmith pulled at his chains, coughing wetly as he struggled to lift his head to look at her. " You're damning yourself." He spat at her, blood splattering along the blade in her hands. "Damning everyone you'd use that weapon against! Look at it! That sword will cause unbelievable pain to its victims!"

Magda-9 lifted the sword up and examined the blood along the flat. "Of course it will." In a flash of movement, she drove it into the blacksmith's stomach. Her cold white eyes watched the agony in his expression. "What is the point of a weapon that does not cause pain to its victim?"

"Why?" he gasped. "Why would you do any of this?"

"To seek more avenues to power," she replied. "Without power, we cannot survive. So we must do these things."

Blood splashed along the blade as she drew it out, and her words were almost lost beneath his scream.

"To achieve salvation."

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