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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Destiny 2 - Transcript of an Illicit Conversation

Foreword: I've been especially active in the r/DestinyJournals subreddit as of late, and began writing a number of different shorts. I'm going to start re-posting them here.

TYPE: Transcription
DESCRIPTION: Conversation between persons of interest
PARTIES: Two [2]. One [1] Guardian-type, Class Warlock, designate Wahei Ohr [WO] (POI#0247); One [1] Guardian-type, Class N/A [u.1] (VIP#1315)
ASSOCIATIONS: Drifter; Magpie District; Mahal, Aunor; Ohr, Wahei; Praxic Archives; Praxic Order; Tango, Charlie; Traitor's Die; Umbranomicon


[footsteps pacing, rustling, waxen clattering]

[WO] You might as well step into the open. I know you're there.

[a metallic clink, then footsteps approaching]

[u.1] I'm impressed, sister. Those were prime sneakin' around moves I was using. [chuckles] How'd you know I was there?

[WO] Voidwalker.

[u.1] Uh huh. Sure. For all you knew, I could've been that hardliner Praxic chick--

[WO] If I thought you were Aunor, I wouldn't have said anything. I'd have just shot first.

[u.1] Huh. Awful ruthless.

[WO] There's nothing I could say to Aunor Mahal that would convince her that I'm not spiraling down a very Dark rabbit hole.

[u.1] And you're tellin' me you're not?

[WO] Just because someone isn't walking in the Light twenty-four-seven doesn't mean they're walking into the Deep Dark.

[another metallic clink]

[u.1] [chuckles] You're a strange one, sister.

[WO] Again, Voidwalker.

[more waxen clattering]

[WO] Interesting.

[scratching on paper]

[u.1] Never figured you for a Guardian that likes games of chance.

[WO] Who said I do?

[u.1] Well, I heard-tell from ol' Charlie that you did pretty well for yourself in a card game recently...

[WO] And you think there was any part of that which was "chance?"

[u.1] [chuckles] "Making your own chance," was it? I like you, sister.

[WO] Every Lightbearer at that table was manipulating the odds. I was the only one doing it consciously.

[u.1] And yet, I see you here, rollin' the bones like a born craps-shooter.

[WO] One bone. Just the one.

[u.1] You know, most bones that Guardians keep around ain't the safest thing. Like that big-ass one that Shaxx keeps in the Tower. Or the "rock" that Moondust carries all over the place.

[WO] You're not wrong.

[u.1] And you think playin' knucklebones with one of them is a good idea?

[WO] Again, you think there's any sort of game involved here?

[u.1] Sister, everything's part of the game.


[WO] You have more insight than you let on.

[u.1] That's the one thing I never make secret. Not my fault if they don't realize it.

[WO] Or if they can't realize it.


[more waxen clattering, then a metallic clink]

[u.1] So if you're not playing games with that, just what are you doing with it?

[sound of scratching on paper]

[WO] Perhaps I am seeking insight.

[u.1] Huh. Way I understand it, if you're gonna cast the bones, you use four ankle-bones. Not a bird's skull.

[WO] If you're going to "cast the bones" and not have the results skewed by the Light, you have to use special bones.

[pages turning]

[u.1] Whoa. Hey. I recognize that book.

[WO] Really? You are full of surprises.

[u.1] I make a point of learning about dangerous stuff. And that book is on the list. And not just mine.

[WO] Yes. That's why I had Charlie steal it for me.

[u.1] From the Praxic Order? [whistles] Sister, I thought the Hero of the Red War was crazy, but you're a whole different breed.

[WO] Voidwalker.

[u.1] What the hell do you even want that book for?

[WO] Insight. This was going to be Toland's seminal work on the Darkness, until his... demise.

[u.1] You know that he was cracked in the head, don't you?

[WO] One could make the argument that we're all "cracked in the head."

[u.1] You're not helping your case, sister.

[WO] The concepts and precepts in the book provide some details on how to interpret the die's meaning.

[pages turning]

[WO] Huh. And details on how one could craft more. Interesting.

[u.1] Do I even want to know what you're planning?

[WO] I plan the same thing you do, only I'm not solely concerned with saving my own skin.

[u.1] That's a bit harsh, sister.

[WO] It's a harsh world, "brother."

[u.1] [sighs] That's the truest thing, isn't it?

[a metallic clink]

[u.1] [grunts] Well, whatever you're planning, if it involves that book, I want no part of it. Catch you around, sister.

[footsteps receding, waxen clattering]

[WO] You know, this book has a lot of interesting things in it, Majhul. Even ways one could sever one's connection to their Ghost without needing to kill it.


[footsteps approaching]

[u.1] What was that?

[WO] I said, the book contains a lot of interesting information, such as severing--

[u.1] Not that.

[WO] You've gone by a lot of different names in your ages, haven't you?

[u.1] How do you know about that one?

[WO] Voidwalker.

[u.1] Pardon my Ulurant, but that's a load of [EXPLETIVE DELETED]. How do you know it?

[WO] I never tell secrets.

[thump of a book closing, rustling]

[WO] But, I see I've touched a nerve. I should be going.

[the feed distorts with static from paracausal radiation]

[WO] After you've cooled down, if your curiosity remains piqued, just whistle. I know where to find you.

[the static clears]

[a metallic clink]

[u.1] Sister, I ever whistle for you, it'll only be so I can look you in the eyes before I shoot you between them.

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