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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Destiny 2 - Proud of War

The Primus looked over the tactical map before him. The orange wireframes of the fleet were arrayed before him, while other shapes denoted the locations of the enemy, ringed in red circles. The outcome of the battle was not in doubt. These lesser races were tenacious, potent in their own way, but against the might of the unstoppable Cabal Empire, they could not stand. These lessers knew it, but refused to kneel and accept a place under the Empire's flag. They have chosen to die. Why? The Primus wondered this to himself as he leaned over the holotank.

"Because they believe their end will somehow be noble." The Primus turned to see Varras, the Councilor of High Tactics, whose eye met his own. Naturally, the telepathic psion had heard his self-rumination. Varras inclined their head to him, then gestured at the red-highlighted fleet. "They believe that others will see their downfall and be emboldened by it, that word of it will spread and incite similar defiance against us."

The Primus shook his head. "When this battle is over, no one outside of this cluster will know of it. They will be a mere footnote in the records, forgotten in barely a span of years."

Varras spread their hands. "And? They cling to their hope. It gives them strength and resolve."

A bracus, one of the Primus' adjutants, spoke up. "Why not just tell them the truth? The weight of futility would break them as surely as our weapons."

The Primus glared at him. "There will be other battles for us which will require our fleet to be at their peak. A contest such as this, however pointless it might be, will keep us honed and sharp." He gestured dismissively. "Go and maneuver our ship into position." The bracus saluted and left.

With him gone, the Primus turned back to the Councilor. "I am surprised you were able to tear yourself away from your studies, Varras. I know that athenaeum world we discovered had much to decipher and scavenge for our factoria."

The psion expressed something which might have been interpreted as a smile. "As useless as most athenaea have been, Primus, this one still had knowledge worth gleaning. It is true my mind yearns to return to the studies, but--" They gestured at the holotank again. "--this is my task and my duty. Even if it barely requires input from me."

The Primus nodded, watching as the map was updated. The enemy fleet was distributing itself onto a wider field, vainly attempting to spread the incoming fire to avoid cluster damage. Missiles and weapon-fire were already streaking toward the Cabal fleet. He nodded to the psion. "You are dismissed, Councilor. Should I require your service, I shall call for you."


Shortly after, in the Councilor's quarters, before the ancestral shrine, Varras drew a shape with their mind. "By the mind of Varras, Tactical Councilor to the Primus of the Forward Spear. Upon the Spear's Point, guiding its course."

They looked at the Y-goblet they had drawn, and then drew more shapes around it. "Today I fill the Y-goblet with acid, so that my ancestors will shrivel in pain and confusion."

A green light filled Varras' eye as they spoke. "My every thought and purpose for my Lord and General, strong and stalwart, bright and terrible."

They looked up from the shapes, looking beyond bulkheads and hallways, out into the battlefield now beginning to burn. They looked. And they Saw.

"I dedicate this battle, these deaths, and this legion to Xivu Arath, She Whose March Is Inexorable."


In a place which was of the material and yet not, a gauntleted fist closed around the haft of a hammer. A general, a warrior more potent than any in existence, squared Her shoulders as She Saw the battlefield, and Saw that it was good.

There were other ways to subvert the will of others than Taking. This was something that Her siblings had forgotten, preferring instead to use a sword to cut away that which did serve. But if one softened the subject first, then one could hammer them into a loyal follower.

Upon the eternal plane which was all conflict, Xivu Arath, Proud of War, smiled as She Saw the battle reach its conclusion, and claimed Her tribute from it. The cryptoliths upon that athanaeum world had done their part. Now it was time to deploy them in proper fashion.

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