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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Destiny 2: Lost Sector - Methane Flush

The fourth installment of my Destiny 2 fan-lore for the Lost Sector bosses.

Look upon these mewling wretches, my sisters.
Their lives are brief, a mere blink in the cosmic eye.
They lack the press of numbers--
--like these desperate bugs scattered in uncaring winds--
They lack the might of empire--
--like those weighty brutes swathed in gas, oil, and armor--
They lack the weft of time and space--
--like the machines of brass and quantum and protozoa--
And yet they live, they strive on against this universe.

It was to these creatures that a Traveler of the Sky came.
It came to them and it gave to them such paltry wonders.
And when their Sky-god died, they should have perished,
Scoured from the profane weave of this ill-shaped reality,
Unwoven into their matter and energy--
--and things for which there are no words--
--and fed to the worms as fuel for our purpose.

And yet...

And yet, look at them. Beset upon by the universe,
Under siege from all sides, broken but unbowed,
They refuse to surrender to the inevitability of our might.
When they came to the attention of something greater,
When it turned its baleful eye upon them,
They spat in it and still they survive.

How curious.

So and so, my sisters, we must strive as well.
We must seek to understand, as our Queen has decreed.
To discover the sword logic She needs to travel Deep.
To test the shape of this place and the things in it--
--all things, great and small, inert and alive, and in between--
--that we might find the truth and the proof She craves.

We must test ourselves as well, my sisters,
For have we not seen our Sovereigns and Gods do this--
Declare their love through war and pain and poison--
And find the proper shape for ourselves and our brood.
Only in this way can we unravel the false tapestry.

It is in this place I shall make a nest for myself, my sisters.
Build a place for worms and larvae, birth forth a multitude--
--thralls and acolytes and ogres and knights to cull the weak--
--and it is here that I shall strive, much like these pink things,
To comprehend the shapes and weave the understanding we need.

So and so, let it be.
Author's Notes: The viewpoint character here is the boss of the Methane Flush Lost Sector in Siren's Watch on the moon of Titan, Karugul, a Hive Wizard. It was inspired by grimoire cards about the Court of Oryx from The Taken King, as well as the Books of Sorrow from the same.

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