Preface: Something of a follow-up to "Dark Hunts" and "The Huntmaster, Forsworn." Inspired during Solstice of Heroes 2021, following the lore of the Compass Rose shotgun implying the three Guardians depicted below were going to become a fireteam...
"You're sure this is the right place?" The Warlock asked as she ducked under a fallen tree, regarding the somewhat threadbare forest around them. "Ikora said this guy was hanging around Botza with the Eliksni refugees."
The Hunter nodded, turning and pointing into the distance. "He's not far from it. Botza's Wall is just over there." He shrugged, his shotgun resting on his shoulder. "Besides, this guy's a Hunter, and you know we like it outside the Wall."
She nodded doubtfully. Unlike her teammate, she had no weapons on her, though her Ghost was primed to compile one into her hands in a blink of an eye if needed. "You know anything more about this guy? All Ikora said was that he's a relatively new Light. You think he's one of the new Russian cohort?"
"I know a little bit. He's been making some waves in the past year or so." He nipped over a log and a pile of rocks as he went on. "Word is he First Rezzed out in the Reef somewhere."