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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Destiny 2 - Overheard in a City Bar

Foreword: For those not following the ongoing Destiny 2 story, as this is posted, the Season of the Splicer is ongoing, involving the Last City being trapped in a Vex simulation called the Endless Night-- the sun is not rising, and it's causing tensions and problems. These problems are not helped by xenophobic rhetoric being spouted by a political leader named Lakshmi-2.

As tensions mount in the City under the Endless Night, some citizens work themselves up while at a bar...

TYPE: Transcription
DESCRIPTION: Conversation overheard in a drinking establishment
PARTIES: Three [3]. Three [3] unidentified [u.1, u.2, u.3].

ASSOCIATIONS: Almighty, The; Botza District; Cabal; Calus, Emperor; Cayde-6; Dreaming City; Eliksni; Eliksni Quarter; Endless Night; Fallen; Kell's Scourge; Lakshmi-2; Light, House of; Luna [AKA Moon, The]; Nessus; Osiris; Peregrine District; Prison of Elders; Rasputin; Red Legion; Reef, The; Rey, Ikora; Sundial, The; Undying Mind; Vanguard; Variks; Venj, Petra; Vex; Warmind; Zavala, Commander

[u.1:01] I tell you my wife's lost her job?

[u.2:01] Wait, what? Why?

[u.1:02] Well, she runs a flower-selling stall, doesn't she? All the flowers they're selling have died 'cuz of the Endless Night, didn't they?

[u.3:01] [EXPLETIVE DELETED], man. That sucks.

[u.1:03] Yeah. Gord's gonna try to get her a job at the bodega to help out, but--

[u.2:02] Your wife loves her flowers, man.

[u.3:02] It sucks.

[u.1:04] Yeah.


[u.2:03] You'd think the Guardians would have fixed this by now.

[u.3:03] Hah.

[u.1:05] What do you mean 'hah?'

[u.3:04] Putting your faith in the Guardians? That's a bad idea.

[u.2:04] Wait, what?

[u.1:06] What?!

[u.3:05] I said it!

[u.2:05] Why?

[u.3:06] Ohhh, you don't want me to answer--

[u.1:07] No, no, no, no, no, you don't get to cop out after saying something like that--

[u.2:06] C'mon, man, what the hell!

[u.3:07] You wanna do this?

[u.2:07] No cop outs!

[u.1:08] No cop outs!

[u.3:08] All right. Fine. Barkeep! Another round for us! You're paying.

[u.2:08] Fine.

[sound of drinks being delivered]

[u.3:09] Okay. So. The Guardians are all [EXPLETIVE DELETED] insane.


[u.1:09]  Well... yes...?

[u.2:09] We know that.

[u.1:10] You watch any playback of a Crucible match and--

[u.3:10] Oh, you have no idea. You work at Omolon, and you work construction and recovery in Peregrine District, yeah? I work up in the Tower. I see the Guardians every day. They're crazy. Jumping all over the place, even off the damn safety rails, dancing like crazy maniacs--

[u.1:11] We know this already--

[u.3:11] And the Vanguards are practically useless.

[u.2:10] Hey, come on, the Commander negotiated a cease-fire with the Cabal--

[u.3:12] Yeah, okay. But what about the Almighty?

[u.1:12] He worked with the Warmind to--

[u.3:13] Yeah, sure, he got the Warmind off its fat electronic ass to do something, but the Almighty just sat out there past Mercury for, what, three years, and they made no attempt to secure it, no attempt to clear any Red Legion off it, no attempt to destroy it.

[u.2:11] I thought the reports said that it couldn't be--

[u.3:14] Yeah. And those reports were obviously [EXPLETIVE DELETED], 'cuz the Warmind blew it up and we're all still here. They were just spinning lies to cover for their own laziness.

[u.1:13] Wow.

[u.2:12] What about Cayde?

[u.3:15] He was reckless. There was no reason he had to go deal with a prison riot. And he got himself killed for it.


[u.3:16] Rip.

[u.1:14] You know what? He's right.

[u.2:13] The Queen's Wrath asked for his help, though.

[u.1:15] Still no reason he had to go personally. The whole point of being in charge is that you delegate this kind of stuff.

[u.2:14] And... what? Just let all the prisoners run riot and escape?

[u.1:16] It was the Reef's own fault. They left that Fallen in charge of it. Lakshmi is right, you can't trust them.

[u.3:17] There, see? The Guardians know where Variks is. They're letting him live, just sittin' out there on Europa, instead of hauling him off to get executed.

[u.2:15] I thought the Reef claimed jurisdiction--

[u.1:17] Oh, the Reef can't enforce that anymore. Why are we even tiptoeing to avoid pissing off the Reef? Their queen and prince are dead, they lost most of their military forces back during the Taken War, and most of their forces are busy dealing with a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] curse. If the Vanguard wanted to actually do anything about Variks, there's not a damn thing the Reef could do to stop them.

[u.2:16] Huh. That's actually a fair point.

[u.3:18] See? You can't rely on the Guardians. Bunch of idiots given godlike power and they can't fix anything quickly.

[u.1:18] Ayup. The Almighty thing, it took 'em like three, four months to deal with it?

[u.2:17] Yeah. And actually... you know what? The Guardians have been incompetent a lot longer than that. How about the Red War? You mean to tell me the Guardians somehow didn't notice the entire Red Legion moving into the system until they literally arrived on our doorstep? How blind are they?

[u.3:19] Then there was the whole Kell's Scourge thing. An entire Fallen House or whatever managed to set up shop inside the City and almost unleashed a nuclear-powered war machine on us.

[u.1:19] And-- AND! Where are the Vanguard camping the Fallen in the City now? In the Botza District, right on top of all that stuff! Isn't there supposed to be some Golden Age vault or something in there?

[u.2:18] Something like that! Plus a bunch of the Guardians were getting all buddy-buddy with the Cabal Emperor.

[u.3:20] The great Osiris is an incompetent lunatic, too. The man built a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] TIME MACHINE for... reasons?! And then when it didn't do what he wanted, he just LEFT IT THERE!

[u.2:19] That's right!

[u.1:20] Yeah, and then the Red Legion found it, right? And it still took the Guardians months to clean up that mess.

[u.2:20] You know, you're right, man, we can't put our faith in Guardians anymore. They'll take months to stop this Endless Night, and by then, the rest of us "mere mortals" will all be dead.

[u.3:21] See, you're getting it. And hey, you know what? I think it's the Guardians' fault the Vex even managed to pull this off.

[u.1:21] How do you mean?

[u.3:22] Okay, remember last year when there were all those Vex with the overgrowth on them running around on the Moon?

[u.2:21] Sort of. Moon's kind of a no-go for Lightless folks.

[u.1:22] 'Cuz, you know, Hive.

[u.3:23] Right, sure. So there were Vex running amok on the Moon about a year or so ago. Some big Vex Mind or something behind it. Vanguard claimed that they needed to build a gate into the Vex Network to find it. Had Guardians harvesting Vex parts for it.

[u.2:22] Yeah...?

[u.1:23] And?

[u.3:24] Guess where they built the Vex Gate?

[u.2:23] ...I 'unno, Nessus?

[u.1:24] ...No--

[u.3:25] Yup, in the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] Tower.


[u.3:26] I helped construct the damned thing.

[u.2:24] Why would you--

[u.3:27] Look, man, I just build things. My boss tells me where to go, I go there. I say no, I don't get paid, I can't feed my family.

[u.2:25] ...okay, that's fair.

[u.3:28] Oh, and there were no safety railings while I was building it, but that's a whole different gripe.

[u.1:26] Figures. No respect for the safety of the working man.

[u.3:29] Right? But anyway, they built a whole, big Vex Gate in the Tower for this thing, and-- well, they SAY they took out the Vex Mind that was causing problems on the Moon or whatever, but who can tell whether they're telling the truth?

[u.2:26] What happened to the Vex Gate afterward?

[u.3:30] We dismantled it and they shipped the parts off... somewhere. I asked, but never got a definitive answer.

[u.1:27] [EXPLETIVE DELETED] hell, you're joking.

[u.3:31] Yeah. Far as I know, they just stuck 'em in a vault somewhere in the Tower. But now here we are, trapped in a Vex simulation or something with this Endless Night.

[u.1:28] And the Vanguard now claims we have to work with the Fallen to try to fix it.

[u.2:27] A bunch of Fallen we're letting camp out in Botza, where the Scourge tried to kill us all once before.

[u.3:32] And the Guardians are trying to protect them.

[u.1:29] Guardians that are using [EXPLETIVE DELETED] Darkness powers!

[u.2:28] [EXPLETIVE DELETED]! You can't trust the Guardians, man!

[u.1:30] Damn right!

[u.3:33] Exactly! If we're going to survive, we need to rely on ourselves, not on them!

[u.2:29] Rise up as one!

[u.1:31] March toward the sun!

[sounds of banging on tables, overlapping yelling]

[commotion continues and departs establishment]

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